Everyone knows that cleaning up weekly helps keep your home sparkling clean. However, everyone has a chore or two that they absolutely loathe. What is your least favorite chore? If you’re like most Americans, you dislike these five hated household chores.
Scrubbing the bathtub.Soaking in the tub is no fun when your bathtub is dirty. But with so much scrubbing and working with smelly chemicals, there’s little question why most homeowners would prefer to leave this chore to their house cleaning companies in Doylestown, PA.
Cleaning the toilet.Another commonly hated bathroom task, no one likes scrubbing waste from their toilet. Unfortunately, the toilet is one of the germiest areas in the home — so this chore has to be done, no matter what.
Doing the dishes.With more time spent indoors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you might feel like you have a never-ending stream of dishes that need to be done. With constant cleaning, drying, and restacking, doing the dishes is a chore that’s both time-consuming and annoying.
Laundry.Laundry is another chore that isn’t difficult but is tedious. In order to clean your laundry the right way, you need to sort your clothes, wash them in batches by color, and decide which clothes can be dried in the dryer and which ones need to be hung on a drying rack. With so many steps and hours spent cleaning, it’s easy to see why most people loathe laundry day.
Grocery shopping.If you’re like most people, you probably do your grocery shopping on the weekends — like everyone else. This means that you’ll be competing with every other shopper for space, the most in-demand items, and time. Grocery shopping is a major weekend time suck…and if you happen to forget a few crucial ingredients, you might need to do it all over again the next day.
Are you looking for a break from some of your least favorite chores? Schedule a house cleaning in Doylestown, PA, or in another area with the team at Minch. Give us a call today to learn more and get started!
As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt across the country, more and more business owners are taking steps to help keep their employees safer. One of the most effective ways to fight back against COVID-19 is to wash your hands regularly. Unfortunately, if your essential business is still up and running during this hectic time, increased workloads can make it difficult to remember to wash up regularly.
At Minch’s cleaning company in Bucks County, we understand that handwashing and maintaining a hygienic environment are both crucial elements when it comes to employee safety. Business owners and managers should use these three essential handwashing tips to help keep employees safer on the job.
Hold a seminar on the importance of handwashing. Some employees might not understand just how important workplace hygiene is or that they only need to wash their hands after using the restroom. Hold a seminar or send out an email explaining that employees should be washing their hands throughout the day.
Keep hygiene supplies readily available. Consistently restocking soap and paper towels will encourage employees to take their hygiene seriously. Encourage employees to alert management when they notice that a restroom needs to be cleaned or restocked.
Pass out hand sanitizer. In some workplaces, employees cannot regularly leave their station in order to wash their hands. Passing out bottles of hand sanitizer and encouraging employees to use them on a regular basis will help prevent the spread of germs while also keeping employees completely on-task throughout the day.
Need a little help keeping your business clean during this time? Minch is one of the most trusted commercial cleaning companies in PA — and we’re standing by to help keep your business shining this season. Give our team a call today to learn more and get started.
When most homeowners think they need to clean out their home, one of the first things they focus on is the toilet. After all, with the amount of waste passing through the toilet, it has to be one of the dirtiest items in any home — right?
While cleaning your toilet should be an essential part of your home maintenance routine, the truth is that there are plenty of other areas in your home that are harboring bacteria as well. Here are three common household items and objects that house cleaning companies in Bucks County know carry just as many (if not more!) germs than your toilet due to a lack of regular sanitization.
Your cellphone. Every time you touch something and then touch your cellphone, the bacteria from what you touch transfers to your phone screen. Wipe your phone down with a microfiber cloth throughout the day to keep bacteria away.
Your remote control. How often do you clean your remote control? If you’re like most people, you probably only clean your remote control when you spill something on it. This allows bacteria to propagate, causing you to get sick. To clean your remote, look for a disinfectant wipe made for electronics. Wipe it down every week to prevent germs from building up on this common electronic.
Your doorknobs. That’s right — if you don’t make a point to clean your bathroom doorknob, it could be dirtier than your toilet! Thankfully, a quick wipe down with a disinfectant wipe will be enough to kill any lingering bacteria. Remember to use a different wipe for each doorknob — one wipe isn’t enough to thoroughly clean all the knobs in your household.
Are you struggling to keep up with your regular home maintenance during this hectic time? Minch’s cleaning company in Bucks County can simplify your job and keep your home spotless! Give our team a call today to learn more or schedule your appointment.
House cleaning companies in Bucks County understand that everyone is looking for a way to make their home cleaning schedule a little more manageable. If you’re looking for ways to cut back on cleaning time, you might have come across a number of articles claiming to know secret “cleaning hacks” you can use to save time. Unfortunately, many of these so-called shortcuts don’t actually work as well as they claim. If you’ve been using any of these three common techniques, you might be wasting time instead of saving it.
Microwaving your sponges. Some websites have claimed that microwaving your kitchen sponges can kill bacteria living in the sponge. While it’s true that high heat can kill bacteria, this method is unlikely to kill all of the bacteria on your sponge, which will repopulate shortly after you use the sponge again. It’s a better idea to use wash rags and old swatches of cloth to do your cleaning, which can be popped in the washer after each use.
Coating your cooktop with car wax. Grease and sauce splatters can be challenging to clean up after they’ve been stuck to your stove for a while. However, you should never attempt to cover your stove with car wax to create a DIY nonstick surface, as this can create a fire hazard. Instead, be sure to clean your stove after each use.
Using Coca-Cola to clean your toilet. If you’re running low on toilet bowl cleaner, you might have considered substituting your Scrubbing Bubbles with Coca-Cola. While fizzy drinks contain a small amount of citric acid that can fight rust, they’re much more likely to leave a sticky mess in your bathroom than effectively clean it.
Do you need help managing your home cleaning schedule? Minch’s cleaning company in Bucks County is here to make life simpler! Give our team a call today to learn more or schedule your appointment!
If you have children, a full-time job, or both, it can feel impossible to keep up with your house cleaning in Buckingham, PA. However, with a bit of organization and prior planning, everyone can squeeze a full cleaning routine into their busy life. The secret? Separating your tasks by days, weeks, and months.
First, you should create a list of basic tasks you can handle doing every day of the week. Keeping up with regular home maintenance will prevent you from spending an entire Saturday or Sunday frantically cleaning every room in your home. Some examples of daily tasks you might want to add to your list can include:
Making your bed
Cleaning up clutter
Washing and folding a single load of laundry
Wiping down your kitchen countertops
After you have your daily tasks set into place, choose one area of your home to focus on for three days of the week. A sample setup might look like this:
Monday: bathroom
Wednesday: bedrooms
Sunday: kitchen
When each day of the week comes around, focus your attention on cleaning only that room, along with your daily to-dos. As soon as you get into a regular rhythm, you’re less likely to forget an area of your home or to allow it to fall into chaos.
After you have both your daily and weekly tasks in place, create a monthly plan to tackle major home projects, like cleaning out a garage or attic. The key to cleaning these major areas of your home is to break it up into smaller “chunks,” just like the rest of your week. For example, if you wanted to clean out a garage, your list of tasks might look something like this:
Throw out old tools
Clean tools you’re planning on using again
Sort tools and cleaning supplies
Sweep out dirt and dust
Clean shelving units
Donate old items and return things to the home that are out of place
Work your way through your list of tasks throughout the month to keep yourself on track and avoid getting overwhelmed. Once you have all three systems in place, your home will stay cleaner longer!
Struggling to get your home back into order? House cleaning companies in Bucks County, PA, know that sometimes, the best way to reinvigorate your space is with a professional deep cleaning service. Give us a call to learn more or schedule your cleaning appointment!
When it comes to house cleaning in Buckingham, PA, there are a few basic tasks that everyone knows should be done regularly. For example, you won’t find many people who forget to do their laundry, wipe down their kitchen countertops, or make their bed. However, if your home is feeling a little gross even after you clean, it might be because you’ve forgotten one of these commonly missed cleaning tasks.
Cleaning out trash cans. Everyone knows that they need to empty their kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom trash cans as soon as they start to smell or are too full to fit more trash in. However, many homeowners don’t realize that their trash cans themselves can quickly accumulate food particles, stray pieces of rubbish, and more factors that can cause odors to linger even with a fresh bag. Once a week, scrub down the interior of your trash can with a mixture of soap and water to eliminate bad smells once and for all.
Freshen up your decorative throw pillows. While most of us know to clean sheets and pillowcases as part of our normal cleaning routine, we might go weeks or even months without cleaning our throw pillows. Strip the covers off your throw pillows and blankets when you do laundry to ensure a fresh-smelling and totally clean bedroom.
Sanitize your TV remotes. TV remote controls are some of the most commonly touched (and infrequently cleaned) items in your home. Wipe down your TV remotes with a damp cloth covered in equal parts rubbing alcohol and water to prevent the spread of germs.
Professional house cleaning in Bucks County, PA, know how to ensure that your home is completely clean when they walk out the door. If your home needs a fresh start, give Minch a call to get started or make your appointment.
As a homeowner, you know that regularly cleaning and sanitizing your bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen are crucial to maintaining the health and safety of your family. However, there might be a few essential tasks missing from your home’s to-do list. The next time you set out for a session of house cleaning in Buckingham, PA, be sure to add these commonly missed items to your cleaning list.
-Your window sills. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that their windowsills collect a large amount of dirt and dust from outdoors — even when the windows remain closed throughout the day.
-Under your shower door. You’ve scrubbed your tub and shower — but have you cleaned under the shower door? The underside of your shower door might have more grime and mold than you anticipate.
-Your toothbrush holder. According to a research study by the NSF International, 27 percent of toothbrush holders contain harmful bacteria. From Salmonella to E. coli, you have no idea what’s hiding on your toothbrush holder — so be sure to clean it with a disinfectant at least once a week.
-Your kitchen sponge. When was the last time you replaced your kitchen sponge? If it’s been a while, consider replacing your sponge, as these tools can harbor bacteria. If your sponge isn’t falling apart or dirty, you can sanitize it by soaking it in water and microwaving it for one minute. Be careful — the sponge will be very hot when you finish.
-Your trash can. Sure, you know that you need to change your trash cans when they’re full. But your trash cans can also harbor bacteria themselves. Use a disinfectant spray to clean them out before you add a new bag into the can.
At Minch, we pride ourselves on catching the hidden germy areas where competing house cleaning companies in Bucks County miss. To learn more about what makes our unique deep cleaning processes more comprehensive, give us a call!
After a long day of work or chasing after the kids, there’s nothing more relaxing than a long, hot shower. However, you might have a lot of trouble fully relaxing if your shower is perpetually dirty or grimy. These four quick tips will help you stress less and fully enjoy your next shower!
-Don’t scrub hard water stains. If you have hard water stains on your shower’s glass door, don’t scrub at them with an abrasive pad or brush. This is more likely to damage your shower door than it is to clean the stain off. Instead, invest in a hard water spot remover.
-Empty the shower before you begin. Scrubbing around endless shampoo bottles and bars of soap can cause you to miss dirt and grime that’s built up in your shower. Place all of your bottles and lotions in a plastic container or bucket before you start to clean to ensure that you’re fully sanitizing every part of the shower.
-Ventilate your bathroom. Ventilating your bathroom doesn’t just prevent headaches from harsh cleaning chemicals — it can also help prevent the growth of dangerous mold in your shower. Be sure to turn on your bathroom fan and open any windows while you clean.
-Be patient. Professional house cleaning companies in Bucks County know that cleaning solutions work most effectively when you allow them to sit on the mildew or grime that you’re trying to remove. After applying your cleaning product, allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes to fully permeate the stain before you start scrubbing.
Are you dealing with a seemingly impossible cleaning task in your bathroom or shower? Let the team at Minch tackle it for you! Our expert-level house cleaning in Buckingham, PA, will help you relax and fall back in love with your home. Give us a call today to learn more or make your appointment for service!
Do you feel like your household chores are getting out of hand? If you have a teen living at home, asking for a little help around the house is a simple way to lessen your workload and teach your child how to be responsible. But what types of chores can teenagers handle and how much should you expect your son or daughter to do at home? Below are seven easy household chores that teens can handle.
Cleaning their room. Teens should be responsible for cleaning their own room and ensuring that their space stays tidy.
Doing their own laundry. Teens as young as 13 can handle washing their own laundry, putting it in the dryer, and folding it after it comes out.
Washing the family car. Teenagers love the freedom that comes with having a driver’s license. However, professional house cleaning companies in Bucks County know that teenagers can also easily clean the family car once per week — especially if they have driving privileges.
Caring for pets. No matter if you have a dog that needs to be walked and fed daily or a bird that requires a weekly cage cleanup, taking care of an animal is an excellent way to teach your teen a bit of responsibility.
Preparing their own lunch. Older teens can pack their own lunches before school. For an easier start in the morning, encourage your child to pack refrigerator-friendly foods the night before for a quick grab-and-go the next day.
If your household chores are becoming unmanageable with your busy schedule, you might want to schedule a professional house cleaning in Buckingham, PA, from the team at Minch. To learn more about deep cleaning from Minch or to schedule your cleaning session, feel free to give us a call today!
Keeping your home clean can be time-consuming, tedious, and expensive. As everyone tightens their belts and looks for ways to save money amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many homeowners are struggling to balance their home’s cleanliness and their budgets. Thankfully, as a cleaning company in Bucks County, Minch knows that keeping your home in order doesn’t need to be expensive. Use these three quick tips to lower your cleaning bill and enjoy a more hygienic home.
Do a little tidying each morning.Cleaning your home and keeping it tidy doesn’t need to involve multiple products and hours of your time. Set aside a little time every day to see what you can do to straighten your home without spending any money. Making your bed, dusting, and putting the laundry away might not seem like major tasks — but they can have an astounding effect on the look and feel of your home.
Purchase cleaning supplies in bulk, if possible. One easy way to save money (and ensure that you never run out of supplies to clean your home) is to purchase cleaning supplies in bulk whenever possible. Very few cleaning supplies go bad or have expiration dates that are as close as those we see on food products, meaning that you can keep them stored away in a basement or closet until you need them. Buying in bulk also allows you to pay less per ounce of cleaning supply, though you will pay more upfront.
Know when to call in the professionals. If you’re too busy to take care of your own household chores, it can sometimes be more cost-effective to leave your home cleaning to the professionals instead of letting your property fall into disarray. Professional house cleaning companies in Doylestown, PA, like Minch, know how to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
Are you interested in learning more about a professional deep clean from Minch? Give our team a call today to schedule your appointment.