As a homeowner, you know that regularly cleaning and sanitizing your bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen are crucial to maintaining the health and safety of your family. However, there might be a few essential tasks missing from your home’s to-do list. The next time you set out for a session of house cleaning in Buckingham, PA, be sure to add these commonly missed items to your cleaning list.
-Your window sills. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that their windowsills collect a large amount of dirt and dust from outdoors — even when the windows remain closed throughout the day.
-Under your shower door. You’ve scrubbed your tub and shower — but have you cleaned under the shower door? The underside of your shower door might have more grime and mold than you anticipate.
-Your toothbrush holder. According to a research study by the NSF International, 27 percent of toothbrush holders contain harmful bacteria. From Salmonella to E. coli, you have no idea what’s hiding on your toothbrush holder — so be sure to clean it with a disinfectant at least once a week.
-Your kitchen sponge. When was the last time you replaced your kitchen sponge? If it’s been a while, consider replacing your sponge, as these tools can harbor bacteria. If your sponge isn’t falling apart or dirty, you can sanitize it by soaking it in water and microwaving it for one minute. Be careful — the sponge will be very hot when you finish.
-Your trash can. Sure, you know that you need to change your trash cans when they’re full. But your trash cans can also harbor bacteria themselves. Use a disinfectant spray to clean them out before you add a new bag into the can.
At Minch, we pride ourselves on catching the hidden germy areas where competing house cleaning companies in Bucks County miss. To learn more about what makes our unique deep cleaning processes more comprehensive, give us a call!